Monday, 4 February 2013

im bored :D


First thing I gotta say is.....

made you scroll (hopefully) actually, nope. its KICK ME!!!!!!
havent been on 4 well 4eva.
and as you might have noticed i cant be bothered to use punctuation and grammr properly.
me and jazzy wus messing about 2day.


ok BYAAAAH! longest post evaah! but thats cus of the scroll thing :P

Friday, 9 November 2012

I'm Back! :))))))

Hey guys, I haven't been on in like FOREVER please forgive me for that ;))
I was on a residentual! But me ish back now xxx

Ellie xD

Tuesday, 30 October 2012

My youtube videos! :D

I can't think of anything else to post, so here are my utube videos!

I can't find my other video, sozzai! I'll try and put it in my next post ;)

Elleh xD

Friday, 26 October 2012

Messing on minecraft!! XD


2day I was messing about on minecraft. Funneh pictures!!

Wedgie!! :S

Boat rides! Free!

Uh oh....zombie infection! Dx

My husband! (not really)

Sad kitty :[

Lol so there yu are ;L Byeee!

Ewwie :B

Sunday, 21 October 2012

MSP halloween skin!!

Howdy ya'll!
MSP has a new skin for Halloween. Check it! ^.^

Gravestone. Always a classic ._.

Nice background, I think!

Cool diamond pack


So here yu are! I think I say this everytime but BYE!!!!
Ellie :-] (terrible smiley)

Sunday, 14 October 2012

Minecraft Google o.O

Hiyaah! xD
I was so boored yesterday, so I made 'Google' on minecraft. Here it is!

This is a really short post but nvm :3

Ellie out >.>

Saturday, 13 October 2012

New outfit! ;)

Hiyaarh! Imma bored, as per usual...
Anyway I bouht a new outy! Here it is ;D

I rlly like it :L So bye! ;o

Elleh xox